Towards a better future


Este proyecto no ha pasado a la siguiente fase…

¡pero ha recibido una mención especial por el jurado!

¿Quieres ver -y votar- los productos finalistas? 


Grupo de Trabajo:  Soberanía Europea 

Participantes: Diego Rojas, Ingrid Nacouz, Nora SeigeDhruvi Khandelwal Sukhnani y Daniel Aguilera Quinn.

IE University 



Communication is critical in modern times. The way organizations, governments, and institutions portray messages is key to understanding the development of a community. In this case, the European Union has suffered a constant failure in the way leaders communicate key messages. One effect of this is disengagement both ways, from the people towards the EU and from the EU towards the people, unfortunately, the more disengaged group is the collective of young people. There’s no existence of key and effective communication skills, yet, with this project, we want to portray a real and accurate way to communicate and promote the EU root ideas.

As previously mentioned, our project is directed to young people, and our core value is to create a real European identity. We will do this with a series of short animated videos, around 30-45 seconds each. On the other hand, as we enjoy a multicultural team, we will also use the primary sources we have as a team in order to recreate videos or to document experiences we have lived within the frame of the EU. Specifically, we have the privilege of having a refugee telling her story in a primary source video, where the impact is directly from what she has lived. The objective of this is to inform in a quick, entertaining, and effective manner. However, also touch upon some of the feelings these real life videos could evoke in our youth. The series of short videos will address different topics such as international trade, international relations of the EU, COVID-19 response, data information, and privacy, finally the refugee crisis.

For the sake of this presentation, we will attach the videos for data privacy and the refugee crisis as a sneak peek of what our work will look like if we are able to continue with the project in a near future. On the side of the refugee video, we will portray Europe as a land of hope and opportunities, on the other hand, data privacy is an easy and important way to appeal to young people. With this series of videos we want to talk about the activities people do in their daily life, and how the Union has helped to develop correctly and to have better working environments.

The idea is to recreate this panorama of an existing international community and to recreate an identity of belonging inside the EU. If the younger people start to feel they are part of the Union they will later on trust and believe change is possible, hence better outcomes will be achieved. We will distribute this short series of videos through social media, especially in the channels of youtube and Instagram with Instagram tv videos. The objective is to tackle mainly young audiences, which usually use these social networks to interact and to inform themselves about the world’s panorama. Sovereignty is a core and crucial part of the development of a community and of nation-states, therefore it is important to appeal to this speech and see the emergence of a real sense of community and European citizenship.


El concurso “Mi Europa 2030” es organizado por el Consejo Europeo de Relaciones Exteriores (ECFR) y con el patrocinio de la Embajada de Alemania en España y en el marco de la Presidencia Alemana en el Consejo de la UE.
